Monday, December 31, 2007

Network Wiring

We use a cable modem from Time Warner. We have slowly been adding more and more to our network. Since we have a Wii, Tivo HD, and Slingbox that need fast connections, I have a 10/100 switch that also connects the HTPC in our bedroom (supposedly). I tried to use the installed Cat 5 cable to splice the run from the switch to the bedroom, but my wiring appears to not be so good. I may have to pull a new cable into our bedroom, but the existing hole is quite tight. Luckily, we had not trouble adding a network cable into the hole with 25 wires already there, we left our pull ropes in place. My wife and I had a great system last year with pull ropes and a loop. Glad to know it still works...

Update 1/2/08: Of course it did not work. I got the cable tester and wire 1 was dead. After reseating it on both ends of the cable, it still did not work. So I cut the cable under the house and pulled it up the little bitty hole with the help of my wife, wired it up, and it works! Now we have a 10/100 wired network in our house with three major locations: upstairs office+ teleco closet, den, master bedroom. Now if the HTPC would line out and work...

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